One of my favorite things to do is read and/or listen to audio books. I love it because I don't think there is any better way to help your imagination run wild and your brain pop and fizzle with excitement and activity. I wanted to share my thoughts with one of the books that I read recently because it has totally changed to the way I see world. My goal is pretty simple, at the end of this post I hope to have inspired you enough to go over to amazon and pick up a copy of the book cause I think it will change the way you see the world as well! So the book is called The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. Tim is a maniac simply put... Here are a few of the roles he plays in his life...
* Princeton University guest lecturer in High-Tech Entrepreneurship and Electrical Engineering
* First American in history to hold a Guinness World Record in tango
* Advisor to more than 30 world record holders in professional and Olympic sports
* National Chinese kickboxing champion
* Glycemic Index (GI) researcher Political asylum researcher and activist
* MTV breakdancer in Taiwan
* Hurling competitor in Ireland
* Actor on hit TV series in mainland China and Hong Kong
And he is only 31 years old! Crazy!
In the book he talks about how he escaped the normal employee life and gives a formula for us to do the same (if you want) His formula is pretty simple he talks about 4 areas and he uses the acronym D.E.A.L. I will just give a super brief description of the book and hopefully you will fill in the rest. D is for deciding what you want... This is a question that I am continuously working on. What do I really want? If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would you do? What would you have? Who would you be? These are all pretty tough questions but they are fun ones to think about:)
E is for eliminate. This one is especially important for employees and this section helped me a ton. Just focusing on the most important activities throughout the day and either eliminating or automating (the A part) the activities that take up tons of time but aren't necessarily productive.
Then L is for liberate, this section talks about how you can work from wherever you want either as an employee or a business owner, even overseas if you want!
The idea I enjoyed the most was the overall theme of doing what you want to do with your life today. Not in 30 or 40 years when you retire but today. I know I can't just wake up tomorrow and live life exactly how I want to right now but I certainly have the ability to make choices and decisions that could lead to enjoying the life I want to live in a year maybe two or three or maybe much less... it all depends on what your ideal life really looks like! So what does your ideal life look like? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Ok that was my quick little review I really could write mountains on all the ideas and thoughts I got from this book, I recommend it to almost everybody I talk to these days. Hopefully this sparked a little interest in the book and you'll pick it up:)
1 comment:
wow, you are so good at writing - both of you. I am lucky if I tack a couple of words on to the photo. I am motivated to write more. I am still thinking about the book Ha Ha Love ya Kelly
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