I can’t believe how fast the last couple of months have gone… Thanks to Carrie’s harassing message I am now writing on our blog to let peeps catch up on the Ashton Life.
Where to begin… I guess first I’ll let you all know about Gaven’s new craziness that I think is the coolest thing. So I’ve been working nights lately (Gaven has nights off) and he tends to do his running on some of these nights. Each night I come home excited to hear which new feat of running has taken place. Couple surprises within the last couple weeks have been running a 19 miler and then running outside in that big snow storm we had a week or two ago. Yup, my nice surprise at work was a soaking wet husband that ran pretty much all the way up steep hills to come visit me at work. I’m a proud wife, what can I say? We made sure to take some pictures of the after effect blisters that took place. Gross! I think we’ve geared him all up though with some special socks, tights and shirts that he can now run his endless miles wherever he chooses to go. We’ve both started up swimming and took our first complete official cycling class together too. Oh so fun… Now we just need to save up for some awesome bikes so we can ride outside.
Here is a picture of one of the many blisters Gaven got from his run.
Gaven has decided to “burn the ships” with his job. Meaning, he is going straight commission (I believe it’s starting next week). We both are excited because it will make both of us stretch ourselves. I think Gaven should have done it awhile ago… He hasn’t yet grasped the idea of what a ninja he is with his people skills and his ability to communicate and get people to see his ideas. He is an amazing companion, friend, lover, teacher, student… This list could go on and on. To put it simple I can’t imagine what my life would be like without him. (Oh so mushy… come on you love it)
Halloween was awesome. Actually, we didn’t do much then. I worked and then came home to Gaven having dinner ready for me (oh so wonderful). We did our Halloween celebrating a week beforehand at Garrett’s house (a friend, mentor and Gaven’s old boss). It was fun to go see everyone all dressed up. It has been years sense we’ve dressed up. Saturday (the day of the party) we ran down to a costume shop here in Salt Lake and picked out similar costumes. I guess you could call us Greek or Roman… who knows. That night we pigged out on delicious food and hung out with great company.
Here is a picture of us dressed up for Halloween
Can’t think of anything else too big right now besides that we are so excited for Mary and McKell’s homecomings. Its a couple months away but I’m already counting down…
Let me know when McKell is coming home because I no longer receive her emails.
Also, Gaven, way to go on being an amazing lover!
yeah and you know what ? Sharlene that is way too much information..
Ah ha! Wonderful my Wenis. Thanks.:) That blister is awesome! Way to go Gav! Where are you working? I filled out a bunch of references for you that came to my email.
Wow, that blister...it looks so... big, and juicy. Yikes. I admire your skills though, I have to say that's impressive. It was fun to see you guys on sunday. now that I have your blog, we can keep in touch better. Check out the bikes at fezzari.com you can not go wrong with these bikes. Great quality, great price. Good luck
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